Accounting Onsite
Accounting is the recording of financial transactions plus storing, sorting, retrieving, summarizing, and presenting the information in various reports and analyse. Accounting also entails providing a company’s management with the information it needs to keep the business financially healthy. All businesses are required to maintain books of accounts which are required by the law of the country, various legal and tax compliances require the maintenance of books of accounts.
In online accounting through personal representative we provide service of maintain all your accounts in cloud accounting software, from where you can access your accounts 24×7. You need not to send any data and documents, our personal representative will collect the necessary details and documents, further if required he will update the accounts in your office.
Accounting Services in Delhi
Recording of Entries
Preparation of Ledger Accounts, Cash/Bank, Sales-Purchases, Expenses etc.
Receipts and Payment and Profit and Loss Account
Balance Sheet
Bank Reconciliation as on date
Statement of Account receivables and Payables
Stock Summary.
All Inclusions are as per the package
Extra Visit required by client.
All detail of transactions.
Bills, Vouchers in physical or digital mode.
Bank Statements.
Any other information for properly recording of transactions.
Finalization of data/information within 2 days of entry.
Accounting is the recording of financial transactions plus storing, sorting, retrieving, summarizing, and presenting the information in various reports and analyse. Accounting also entails providing a company’s management with the information it needs to keep the business financially healthy. All businesses are required to maintain books of accounts which are required by the law of the country, various legal and tax compliances require the maintenance of books of accounts.
In online accounting through personal representative we provide service of maintain all your accounts in cloud accounting software, from where you can access your accounts 24×7. You need not to send any data and documents, our personal representative will collect the necessary details and documents, further if required he will update the accounts in your office.
Traditionally your accountant visits your office either collects the documents and post in his software or enters the details in your computer’s software. Or you need to employ accounting staff for maintaining day to day accounts on regular basis. In this there are various problems which are being faced by you like you cannot access the books without help of accountant, need to reconcile the sale and purchase through his help, cannot access the books anytime, no timely reports of cash balance, stock balance, debtors report, creditors dues, lack of professional competence of accountant and further no tax reporting are available on time.
We are having a large team of expert accountant working under the guidance of experts who maintain your accounts timely on a cloud server from where you can access your books any time 24×7. Further you need not to maintain any infrastructure for accounting purpose, just provide your documents and details to our personal representative to update your accounts at your place, if desired. Everything including reports are available at one click away and if you are facing any problem then just send your requirement we will act swiftly.
Our personal representative will come at your place, collect the necessary documents and details and if required, he will update the accounts at your place, viewing password of bank accounts could be made available to us for not bothering you regularly.
We update your accounts on timely basis and any unkwown/suspense entries can be cleared through online support or personal interaction. If you are an online seller engaged with e commerce company, you are at right place, we completely sync your books of accounts with your account in e commerce website and you will get correct due balance from e commerce company. Further no need to enter thousands of sales entries.
You can access any reports you want from the cloud by using your user id and password, if you are facing any problem in getting the desired report, you can send us the request and we will quickly provide you the desired report.
You will be provided with user id and password of your account login and by logging into your account you can access any details/reports, further you can also take print outs of the desired report and can also save their soft copies. In case of help you can contact the online support.
We also provide service of audit of you books of account through our panel of chartered accountants who are experts in auditing field. Click here to know more.
If you don’t want to avail our service, you can provide your auditor access to your books by providing him user id and password and if you don’t want to give access to auditor complete books, you can take print outs of books of account and any other detail required by him. Further any audit correction in data can also be made by consulting us or directly by you.
Yes we also provide proper inventory management solution, however the charges of the same depends upon number of transactions of sale and purchase, complexity of process of manufacturing, number of stock items etc. You can get a quote for this service.
You can avail our trial service in offer period or through any other offer. To know offers click here. You have to pay subscription of at least 3 month service after finalization of quotation and start of service. Initially you need to pay the basic amount of service which will be adjusted against total amount after finalization of charges and if you do not want to take the service after receiving quotation, your 100 % amount will be refunded to you, or you can also adjust the pending amount for using our any other service.
If your accounts are not upto date i.e. the period from which you are appointing us to handle your accounts, either you need the same updated or outsource the same also to us for updating till date at very low charges. It will not be feasible for us to accept the assignment until the accounts are updated.
- Accounts are maintained in cloud server which means you will have access to your account 24X7 and be assured of confidentiality.
- Monthly or weekly reports which help to reduce any deficiency in accounts, maintain budget for the period and provide the insight of business transactions.
- Readily availability of accounts builds confidence in making business decisions and helps build confidence in investors by providing them quick reports.
- No need to have large infrastructure and inefficient staff for maintaining in house books of accounts.
- No need to have any knowledge of computer for providing documents/information online.
- No need to have large infrastructure and inefficient staff for maintaining in house books of accounts.