Classification of goods and services for Trademark Application for trademark registration is made based on the class of product or service for which the trademark is being obtained. There are 45 different classes of products and service made as per NICE of WIPO(World intellectual Property Organization). The same classes are used in India to differentiate the products and services for the purpose of Trade mark Registration. The brief detail of all such classes is as
DIR 3 eKYC Due Date Extended
Category: Company Law, News
Extension of due date for filing DIR 3 KYC form for Every Financial Year. Earlier every individual who has been allotted Director Identification Number (DIN) or Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN) on or before the end of financial year shall file DIR 3 KYC on or before 30th April of next Financial Year. However, Ministry of Corporate Affairs by Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2019 has permanently extended the due date of
Provisions related to Interest Payable or Receivable under GST Law. Every tax law contains certain measures against tax offenders generally in the form interest, penalty or prosecution, where interest is compensatory in nature and penalty and prosecution are penal in nature. These measures demotivate taxable person to make default with the taxation laws and hence they play the most important role in ensuring the successful implementation of tax laws. In some cases viz., delayed refunds,
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has extended the last date of filing of form INC-22A (ACTIVE). This form is required to be filed by every company registered on or before 31st December 2017, containing the information of the company and its registered office. Earlier the due date was on or before 25th April’2019. The ministry of corporate affairs has extended the last date filing INC-22A to 15th June, 2019 and in case of non-filing on due date, the
Telangana High Court: Interest payable on Gross GST Liability without ITC. In the previous indirect tax regime, it was a settled principle that interest on late payment of taxes is only payable on the net tax liability i.e. after adjustment of Input Tax Credit. However, in current GST regime, the situation is different and interest is payable on Gross GST liability before adjustment of Input Tax Credit. Hon’ble Telangana High Court in its recent